Romans 8:28

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them"

Monday, November 7, 2011

California Dreaming

I think the title is very appropriate because this weekend really felt like one, to good to be true.
Basically it started as a little joke between me and Alisha, It was 5pm on a Friday night and we had just finished practice. Coach D had just told us that we had the weekend off so on my way down to the caf I was messaging Lish and she told me I should come to Cali then. At first my answer was I can't but once I was eating dinner I decided I would do my best to get there even if it was going to cost a lot and I would be traveling more than actually spending time there, It would be worth it. So after a quick call to make sure it was okay I was booked on a bus to Denver from Casper at 11:50pm and had my flights booked from Denver to San Diego. Within the hour I had made the most spontaneous and expensive decision I had ever made because booking flights the day before, not cheap!

My journey to San Diego (Which I believe means a whales vagina (please be Anchorman fans reading this))  was really nothing but stressful. First of all the bus was an hour late so I already had a bad feeling. Then I knew things weren't good when every stop was taking 20 mins longer than it should have been and jut to cap it off at our last stop we broke down. 4am an hour and a half away from Denver and had a flight at 8:15. According to the bus schedule we were suppose to be at 6:15 giving me plenty of time well that wasn't going to be the case. After not doing anything but sitting there for half an hour the bus driver finally decided to go look at the engine. 30 minutes later still no luck but then the second bus driver walks up and goes why don't you do this, I have no idea what he pressed but it started up straight away. We had been sitting there for an hour and he just got up and turned it on. Not like people needed to be somewhere but anyway, we finally got to Denver 7:30 45 mins to make my flight. Wasn't looking promising but raced out of the bus, luckily found a cab straight away. It was a 30 minute ride.

 The next part of my story I like to remember it like I was the flash, I kinda through my cash at the cab driver, busted through to check in. the guy told me I had 10 minutes so I could try but if not I would have to fly stand by so I grabbed my ticket and legged it. Now for those of you who have been to Denver airport you know it's not small and for everyone at home it's at least 5 times the size of Adelaide's without a doubt. I was running like in those action movies when the police are trying to catch a fugitive, obviously i was neither but i was dodging people jumping bags and the thing I hate most about American airports is you practically have to be naked to walk through security so as I am running I have taken my phone, wallet, ipod out of my pockets taken off my belt, hat and jumped shoved them in my back pack and as soon as I got to security whipped of my shoes, excused myself through a lot of people and finally got through. my journey through the airport was far from over. I began to compare myself to Frodo in Lord of the Rings, It was really a relentless journey with many challenges and I was losing hope with every second that ticked buy. Back to reality and I was waiting for the elevator. As soon as the doors opened I rushed in and was kinda jogging on the spot to stay ready. As soon as the doors opened again I rushed out onto the platform...yeah platform for trains. The airport is so big it has trains! anyway I was gate C 31 which meant I had to go through gates A and B before I got to mine. C it was 8:14, I was sweating and kinda tired by this point but I wasn't going to walk it. Ran up to escalators then probably a good 100m sprint to my actual gate and just as I got there I saw the plane backing up. I was devastated...

The girl at the front told me I'd have to wait stand by for the next flight so I went and found the gate it was an hour and 45 minutes till the next flight. There were 2 free seats and I was 3rd on the list. The next hour and 15 minutes were spent walking up and down praying out loud 'Dear God, Please please please please please please please please PLEASE let me get on this flight.' on repeat. I'm certain people thought I was a nutcase but I didn't care if i had to get a mega phone to yell out my prayer i would have. I was definitely feeling desperate. When the girl called my name. There weren't words to describe how happy and relieved I was.

On the plane I realised something, obviously this all happened for a reason then I began to wonder was God trying to use this as a metaphor something for me to learn from. Well how might you ask? I though about it, now I love Alisha more than any human on this planet but the crazy thing is God loves me, he loves you more than anyone could ever imagine so when I was deprived of seeing Alisha even if it was only for a few hours I felt so upset but is that how god feels when we deprive ourselves of seeing him, when we walk off his path and he must feel helpless because he wants to be with us so badly but we aren't there. if he loves us lets say 100 more times than we could ever love another person, even though we can't use any kind of math to measure his love but lets just say as an example. that means he must feel 100 more times upset when we are not with him. Now I don't now about you but someone that loves me that much I would never want to hurt like that. Not my family, my friends let alone the creator the only reason I am given the gift of life. So if i took anything out of that experience it was to always make sure I was staying on Gods path for me. Crazy how God speaks to us through the most odd or even frustrating situations.

I slept for most of my flight and when I Finally stepped foot in Cali I was just over come with happiness. I hustled through the airport and when I got out and saw Alisha face, It was just one of those cheesy I don't want to be any where else in the world right now feelings. Just to hug her, hold her hand again I can't describe it.

First off meet the parents at a Mexican fast food joint (which happened to have the best thing I've eaten in America so far Salmon, avocado, lime and corn burrito. Was delicious) now I was pretty confident with the whole meet the parents thing because I like to think of myself as charming and like able so i was pretty comfortable. My down fall at the meal was how many questions I was asked and how good my burrito tasted. deadly combo found myself talking with food in my mouth so much. rookie mistake, they didn't say anything but I'm sure they were just being polite but overall I though my first meeting with Laura and Dale went pretty well.

After Lunch it was off to Trevs (Alisha's bro) water polo game. It was my first time watching water polo have to say I rather like it. It's kinda like evry single sport put into one then thrown in water. It was really cool to see though. On the way back from the game we got some In and Out which I was told it was the must eat burger joint in Cali. Safe to say I wasn't dissapointed. We got to the beach house and I got to meet Faith and Kodi, Alishas 2 beautifu golden retrivers. I missed my dog, Marley back home so much it was so good to have some canine company again.

For the rest of the afternoon Alisha and I went and walked along the beach and got a whole lot of cute pics to make sure we would remember the memories a few are below:

Yeah we are cute I know. The walk was probably one of my most favourite parts of the trip. I love the beach and to have air at sea level (something I forgot to mention in previous posts Casper is over a mile above sea level so oxygen is limited) and the sand between my toes again was awesome.

After the walk it was time for dinner. It was Alishas grandmas birthday so got to meet more of the fam. couldn't have picked a better weekend to come really. Dinner was amazing Dale and Laura whipped up a storm I was getting fed so well. It was bliss. After Dinner I was extremely lucky to be able to witness red tide. Red tide is this amazing thing were at night the waves glow eletric blue, it has something to do with the plankton dieing and photosynthesis I believe but It was one of the most beautiful things of nature I have ever seen. Once we took it all in it was back to the beach house. Safe to say I was out real early with no sleep the night before I pratically passed out as soon as I sat down on the couch.

Red Tide

Getting in with the fam :)

Sunday morning came around and this Sunday just went to quick. We were up at 8 and after been treated to a delicious breakfast. It was off to see Trevs last waterpolo game. He had been telling me about this bicycle kick and headbutt move which is some baller thing that results in him kicking people underwater head butting them and the scoring. Sadly I didn't get to wittness it. After the game there was only a few hours until my flight. Alisha took me on a nice cruise around SD showed me where we had to go when I came down for Christmas break but before to long we were at the airport and it was time to say goodbye. I've already talked about how I'm over emotional when it comes to goodbyes so like always it all came out.

once I got on the plane it was allright. time to get back to buisness, I had learnt a lot about myself and God just from this trip. I learnt that I really love my girl friend so so much, I knew it before but it was just one of those things were I was now sure I would do anything for her. I also learnt that in the end I would much rather be around those I love than have money, I mean again I knew that but just drove home what point is having money if you can't be with the ones you love and most of all It was just another reausring sign of how much God loved me and how he would always come through.

I got back to Casper easy enough, The bus ride was a lot better. Well quicker, there was definitely a strong scent or marijuana in the air the whole way home and the guy behind me was deffinitley flying high (he spilt an entire can of cherry coke on a lady without noticing and the just started craking up when he realised he was spilling it on her, she was not a happy camper) but all in all got safe back into my dorm room at about 2am, then Had a nice little sleep and up Monday morning at 7am for class. All in all, Great weekend.

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