First of all let me apologise for posting this before I told you about what happened in our season so far but something happened to me today that I had to write about. my blog covering the first 4 games of our season is currently underway but anyway back to today's event.
It was about 9:55am and I was walking up to my health class. to get to my health class from the dorm I have to walk up this massive hill then cross the road to get over to the class room which is in the same building as our T-Bird gym. To set the picture over the weekend we have had mass amounts of snow and with snow comes icy floors. So I have hiked up this hill and as I get to the top I turn to cross the road to go over to class but it so happens I am looking at my phone and as I get to the curb I slip forward on the ice and luckily I catch myself and pull myself back because at that second I slipped the school bus that does loops of the campus was coming past. I had no idea it was there but as I pulled my self up the front of the bus skimmed my fringe and my nose was literally less than an inch away from the bus and I pulled my self up and this tingly kinda feel just ran through my whole body. I could of sworn my heart skipped a beat and all I could do was smile and start laughing. If had gone a few inches further my head was getting knocked off and if I fell completely that was a bus driving over my chest. Thank God it is just something now I can smile about, But it really made me think if I were to die today or even tomorrow in the next year what have I left behind? Have I really done anything that has helped anyone, would I be remembered for that long? I think it's a blessing that we have no idea when our last breath will be but if you died today would you be okay with that?
Two quotes that I have read over the last week really stand out in my mind today more than anything. I have no idea who said them but one was
'You are not able to live until you are ready to die.' How might this be you ask? how could I be okay with dieing? What about the life ahead of me? The family I need to support? well I will get to those questions later in this blog. The other was
'What you do for yourself goes with you when you die, but what you do for others will live on long after.' This may be one of the truest things I've ever heard how often do we consume ourselves with me, me, me. I mean what have you done today that could have an effect on someone if you were gone tomorrow. Did you go out and buy yourself a new pair of shoes when you already have more than you need. Did you go out and buy a whole lot of video games which sure may be and probably will be very amusing but lets be real whats gonna happen once you finish the new campaign on Call of Duty or you finish a season on NBA 2K? I know what will happen because I've done it before it's just an empty feeling it's done. You find you have no purpose for the game anymore and if you counted up all the hours you realise you probably could have done a lot more with your life over the last week. Now don't get me wrong I love to play video games from time to time but there's a difference between a bit of recreational fun and being an addict. Same goes for Buying stuff for yourself whatever it maybe clothes, cars, house. Now I'm not saying live in a bin and wear a potato sack give all your money to charity because I still do believe from time to time It's nice to treat yourself. Me, I love fashion and self appearance is something that I'm big on. I do think it's important to feel comfortable in what you wear and do self image helps big time with self respect and if you don't respect yourself who will?
Anyway I've gotten a little bit of point but I guess what I'm really getting at is as species we are extremely materialistic and the power of giving is so much bigger than receiving. I guarantee that if you give money to a charity, spend time helping those who need it, YOU are going to feel a lot better than if you went out and did something just to self indulge.
Now this is want I really wanted to get at. If I were to die before you the reader ever see me again this is what my last wish would be, I don't know if you are family, a close friend, and acquaintance or maybe you just stumbled onto this blog somehow. My last wish is that you will find Christ as I have.
For those of you who know me and really know me, you will know that growing up my opinion was that there was always a God and growing up in the Christian school that was Trinity College I believed in obviously the Holy Trinity. So my God was the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now by no means was I ever an extremely religious person and had outstanding faith and lived by the word of God. My thing was well something had to start all this life. It didn't just come from no where and the extent of my religion was when I was in a situation where I was just lost and confused I prayed because I figured theres a God and if anyone can help me or my love ones right now it's 'the man upstairs.' Now I had no real understanding of this great and almighty God I had basic knowlege and that was basically ok so there is a Father (boss God) Jesus (the Boss's son) and the Holy Spirit (the God that is everywhere) and some how these where all the same God. Don't know how and to be honest still really don't but I have no doubt that it's 100% true.
It wasn't until earlier this year where I gave my life completely to Christ aknowleged him as my Lord and Saviour and let him take control of my life. If for some reason you have just been skiming through this blog because it is starting to get long
PLEASE HEAR THIS NEXT PART! Now for many of my friends I have heard quotes like 'I believe there is a God' or 'I'm open to religion' others I know have said theres no God thats nonsense. for me those people who don't believe there is a God is beyond me because in my heart of hearts I've always felt a presence that is far greater than me or anything I could every do on my own and I'm almost ceartin that anyone anytime you really focus in on 'Is there a God?' You can feel that little pull on your heart, that warm little glow inside your chest. Why not try it now? Take a minute break from reading this and just close your eyes meditate and ask 'God are you there?'
Do you fell it? I know I do just writing it.
Now here is what my biggest concern is with a lot of my friends and family. Just because you think you're generally living pretty well, You are a nice person and you think there is a God by no means do you get a pass into Heaven. The only way into The Lords Kingdom is to aknowlege Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Essentially all you need to do to live an eternal life of happiness and peace is to answer this question right:
Q: Who is Jesus Christ?
A: My Lord and Saviour?
Congrats if that is already your answer then no matter what I will be seeing you in Heaven. If not I hope that that will become your answer. It seems pretty simple to me. Obviously you can't just say yeap okay Jesus is my Saviour sweet going to heaven and not really believe it because God know what your real genuine answer is.
So to everyone still with me who may be fence sitting, 50/50 or whatever else here are two points I would like to make. I go back to why I believed there was a God in the first place. How are we hear well science tells us the big bang happened when something like two atoms collieded and from there our universe began and started to expand and make elements so on and so forth eventually joing together to make stars, galaxies, earth and life on earth. Well even the Catholic Church aknowleges the Big Bang Theroy. Ok so now let me ask you this where did those to objects that collide come from? and how did they possiblly colliede I mean try and imagine the universe, every little part of it. You can't can you? so how is that these two objects which came from nothing all of a sudden collided when there was nothing bit infinte nothingness? Yeah try and figure that one out. I am certain my answer is better than anything you came up with, mine is God because what else could it possibly be?
My second argument is lets say for a second you believe exactly what I believe there Is a God, a Saviour, a Heaven and a Hell. Now In my case if you believe that if you aknowlege your Saviour Jesus Christ you will be allowed into the gates of heaven once you die, where you can live in essentially complete bliss for ever. On the other hand if you deny Christ you will be thrown into Hell where you will be drowning in a lake of fire you will be beyond any sadness and grief you have ever felt in your whole mortal life. Your skin will burn and you will be in agony forever, literally forever you don't get used to it. It's not like getting into a hot tub or a really hot summers day. It passes all pain you've ever felt for eternity.
Now your point of view say for a second there is no God (there is) but okay I live life here then it's done I just go to sleep forever. Now okay I guess end of the day I would rather sleep for ever than burn but is that a chance you really want to take? Are you willing to gamble your eternity? I most definetley am not. here is a real testimony of a women who says she has seen Hell you might think she's crazy but I know this is a place I never want to be:
That video was taken of a great website called it has so many amazing videos and stories not just about God and the Bible but real miracles that happen to real people.
So coming to the end of this blog I hope it spoke to you and didn't get to deep at times. My prayer is that after reading this you will come to know Jesus. If you were like me the biggest thing that may keep you away is the fear that you have not been living right and will be judged. Our God is a loving God he wants you with him. You don't have to change completeley to be a 'Perfect Christian' honestly there is no such thing the only person never to sin is our Saviour. But God forgives you the second you ask for it. He has no Hate. He Loves you, A Love more powerful than anything you have ever know. Another thing that might not be appealing is the idea that you have to follow all these rules. but really everything God tells us is for our own safety and if we screw up, which we will once again we are already forgiven. Good Times!!
So please, I beg of you if you want to come to know this amazing Lord that I know pray this with me now. 'Dear Father, I aknowlege that your son Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour. He was the lamb sent to earth in order to pay for my sins. I let you in Lord that you may begin to have an impact on my life and that it is not now I who live but your son who lives in and through me. I pray this in Jesus's mighty name. Amen'
As soon as I post this I am going to take a moment to pray for each of you who have read this and those who have come to know Jesus as your Saviour. Maybe you don't feel that it's your time to turn to our Saviour for whatever reason but maybe some day in the future you may think of this, you might feel that tug on your heart, that warmth inside you and when that happens stop and pray what you need to pray and I promise you it will be one of the most purest joys you have ever felt.
Now obviously I can't tell you the whole bible and everything you need to know how to live but if you are serious about what you have just done then I recomend go to Church this Sunday and you won't regret it. if you live in South Australia here are a few sites that may help you.
If you live in the northen suburbs I highly recomend Victory Church it was my home Church back in SA and can't wait to go back when I visit home.
If You live closer to the city or on the other side of town I recomend Edge Church it has a few different churches spread out I have been there before and also loved it.
Also If you live close to Gawler and prefer not to travel more than 10 minutes I have heard Salt Church is good and is similar to these other two aswell
If you go to any of these three I'm sure you will have a great time, without a doubt you will at Victory some of the kindest most genuine people I have ever met. Not to mention there band is awesome oh and they have a mosh pit, yeah a mosh pit a church. Thats something you have to go and see no matter what
Also If you're interested in getting a bible and one that is easy to read mine is a new living translation study bible. It is my favourite. My girlfriend bought it for me and it is one of the greatest gifts I have ever recived unlike other bibles I have read it is easy to understand and also has basic notes for you to read under all the scriputure so you can really understand what the story is telling you.
if you would personaly like to talk to me more either facebook me or my email is I would be happy to talk to anyone about anything any questions.
I will leave you with these thoughts Religion sets rules but Jesus sets us free.
And whether you know it or not Jesus loves YOU more than anything.
I will be praying for you. :)